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Evolve your DracoToad


Lumenwood Kingdom
The Kingdom of Lomenwood is divided into 5 factions:
Icy Peaks, The Great Forest, The Blazing Wastes, The Swamplands and Lomenwood Castle
Each faction has its paladin. Which reflect the nature of their surroundings and of the local population are worshiped as guardian spirits.
The Paladins are actually powerful human sorcerers who draw their magic from the land.
In the middle of the kingdom is the gigantic Lomenwood Castle with its surrounding lands that border the other factions. This is also where the Verdant Spire is located, a gigantic magical tree that is responsible for all magic in Lumenwood and combines all aspects of the factions.
The undisputed ruler of Lumenwood Castle is the self-proclaimed God-King Seras.
Through his control of the Verdant Spire, he is magically superior to all paladins and demands their loyalty. He secretly stirs up conflict between the paladins to prevent an alliance and secure his own power.

Arrival of the Dracotoads

The Dracotoads came to Lumenwood as a result of a comet impact, the comet burst in the sky and fragments fell to earth across the entire kingdom.
These fragments contained the first eggs (Genesis Edition) from which the magical Dracotoads soon hatched.
The Dracotoads took on the nature of their surroundings and began to influence the people around them with magic.
As the first Dracotoads evolved, the paladins quickly realized that their growing physical and magical powers could upset the balance of power between the factions and the king.
Old conflicts between the factions broke out and were fought out in magical battles.
Even though none of the paladins dared to openly defy the king, his rule is no longer absolute.
Rumors spread that he was trying to create a kind of ruling race of Dracotoads in order to secure his supremacy again.

Four Worlds - Four Tribes

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